Tuesday, July 17, 2007


"voices and voices calling for ears to pour words in"
Carl Sandburg (1878–1967) Manual System

Although our discussion of "student voice" is a critical one, there are other voices that also need to be heard.

Macaulay, a graduate student/blogger is an advocate for distance learners.
Greg Farr issues an eloquent call-to-action for principals.
Clay Burell expresses teachers' concerns with
curriculum and professional development .

So many Voices, waiting to be included in the complex conversation that continues to define our educational system.

"for I have found nothing mightier than they are,
And I have found that no word spoken, but is beautiful, in its place."
-Walt Whitman (1819-1892)


CB said...

Diane, when I say I'm often at a loss on how to comment on posts like this, it's meant as a compliment.

But I can say this: not only do you play matchmaker for "asynchronous" voices (to quote an earlier post-poem); you also achieve a grace with those so well-chosen quotes that I leave you feeling like I've left a poem.

Just a way of saying I like your style~

diane said...

Thank you for the compliment and the inadvertent critique: if I'm learning my lessons well, my blog will not exist as a stand-alone essay of sorts - or even a poem, lovely as I find that thought. It will stimulate discussion, collaboration and/or controversy.

I want to be more like you (but in a poetic way)!