Friday, December 18, 2009

Cameras and Carrots

"Learning is not a spectator sport." - Anonymous

Today in my Google Reader, I found a number of thought-provoking posts. Among them were two written by Teacher Librarians who never fail to inspire and motive me, virtual colleagues and real-life friends.

In If you give a kid a camera..., Joyce Valenza uses author Laura Numeroff's popular series of picture books as the template for a discussion of how to nurture student creativity by providing access to storytelling tools.

Buffy Hamilton reflects On Carrot Dangling and Collaboration, as she advocates for a more integrated library/classroom program.

Joyce's tech toys serve the same purpose as Buffy's carrots: they draw learners into the library. Not the library as "place," but the library as information hub, creative workshop, collaborative staging area. The library with or without walls, the librarian as facilitator and guide for students, teachers, administrators.

Cameras and carrots, creating and collaborating.

"SDC13063 copy" by hideyourarms/bigguybigcity/3367397250/


Paul C said...

'Not the library as "place," but the library as information hub, creative workshop, collaborative staging area. The library with or without walls, the librarian as facilitator and guide for students, teachers, administrators.

Cameras and carrots, creating and collaborating.'

Your last two paragraphs are worth repeating. Priceless! Love the alliteration too.

diane said...

Thanks, Paul.

Now that I'm retired, I find myself looking for ways to use my experience in meaningful ways.