The world has changed a lot since the day I made my grand entrance, and I fully expect this evolution/revolution to continue.
Retirement has taken on a new meaning in modern times. For many, it is more a re-invention of self than a retreat to home and hobbies. Many people use this opportunity to examine their personal history, searching for the spark that inspired them, hoping to build on the meaningful elements in years of living and learning.
In the best case scenario, this process results in a post-retirement commitment that has purpose and focus. Volunteerism is one possibility, consultant work another.
The gift we receive upon retirement is Time. Time to travel, time to learn, time to share with loved ones, and time to make a difference in the world. How to maximize this gift is a momentous question.
What shall I become?
"P1190004" by tanakawho
Volunteering is a great idea! Sometimes donations of time are needed just as much as the monetary ones.
Kia ora Diane!
reborn? You sound as if you are and that is fantastic.
Pick the strawberries.
Count all the sunny hours.
Best wishes
from Middle-earth
Been in the ranks of retirement this year and have certainly enjoyed consulting work with my board of education half time. I hope to expand upon the volunteer option as time progresses.
Exciting for you to think about the options.
I have been retired almost two years now and I love it! I miss my students and colleagues but I have moved on to new things. There are so many opportunities to experience new things in the world. We are doing a lot of traveling and meeting my online friends. Congratulations on your new phase of life!
I've already got a few ideas regarding where I'd like to volunteer. I agree that time is an important gift to give.
I'm working on it!
I'm hoping for a mix of volunteerism, travel, and online work, if the economy cooperates.
You are my role model! I can see from my Spring Break that my biggest challenge will be to balance sedentary activities with more active ones. Keep setting me a good example, please!
I have no doubt that whatever it is that you become will be (even more) wonderful. I can't wait to hear about the process.
Jackie B,
The process, the becoming, is the key point, isn't it? Once we stop re-inventing ourselves, the Journey is over :-)
Diane, I certainly agree with you that time is a very precious gift. Certainly at my stage of life with two boys at primary school and juggling a coordinator role with classroom responsibilities, I find my use of time to be a constant state of re-prioritisation. I really enjoy reading your refreshing outlook on education and more importantly, learning and look forward to seeing how a solid injection of time will influence your journey.
I came late to technology, so I feel like I'm constantly playing catch-up. I really value my online community.
There's more to life than digital tools, however fascinating, and more to learning than formal education. I'm just starting to experiment with photography, have many places in the world that I'd like to visit.
I hope that I receive the gift of time; I promise not to squander it!
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