I've always had a difficult time choosing the "best" of anything - books, movies, even desserts. Absolutes make me feel hemmed in, and I can usually imagine alternative scenarios that would justify a different response.
That said, I feel a responsibility to participate in the annual Edublog Awards. I read, enjoy, and learn from a variety of feeds in my Google Reader. It's time to recognize some of the bloggers who contribute to my personal and professional growth.
Here are my nominations for the 2010 Edublog Awards:
Best individual blog - David Lankes/Virtual Dave...Real Blog
Best individual tweeter - Beth Still/@bethstill
Best resource sharing blog - Wesley Fryer/Moving at the Speed of Creativity
Most influential blog post - Carolyn Foote/Listening to teacher voices part 2
Best teacher blog - Sylvia Tolisano/Langwitches
Best librarian / library blog - Buffy Hamilton/The Unquiet Librarian
Best educational tech support blog - Cathy Nelson/Techno Tuesday
Best educational use of video / visual - Gwyneth Jones/The Daring Librarian
Best educational wiki - Joyce Valenza/New Tools Workshop
Best educational webinar series -The TL Virtual Cafe
Best use of a PLN - Alec Couros/@courosa
Lifetime achievement - Doug Johnson/The Blue Skunk Blog
You can nominate your own favorites. Simply follow these directions:
Step 1: Write a post on your blog linking to:
- The Edublog Awards Homepage
- The blogs & sites that you want to nominate (must be linked to)
You can nominate:
- For as many categories as you like,
- But only one nomination per category,
- A blog (or site) for more than one category
- Any blog or site you like but not your own blogs (sites)
Step 2: Email us the link to your nomination post
Use the form (on the Edublogs Awards home page) to contact us, please include a genuine email address (spam free, just in case we need to confirm identity) and the link to your nominations post.
You can’t submit your nominations without writing a blog post
Please note: You will receive an automated email reply when you successfully complete the contact form.
An important part of being an educator is self-reflection. Please take this opportunity to review your RSS feeds and social networking sites, determine what content has proven valuable to your life as a learner, and acknowledge those who have influenced your thinking in a positive way.
Thank you SO much, Diane for nominating my blog for this recognition. Makes me all warm & happy inside & spurs me on to keep writing! (and Photoshopping!)
I could have nominated you in almost every category, but I wanted to share the love.
Your creative, innovative, and USEFUL creations never fail to inspire me.
Thanks so much for your nomination! Will I see you at Educon this year?
You're quite welcome, Alec. Good luck tomorrow!
I'll be at Educon, and co-conducting a session with the dynamic Gwyneth Jones.
Educon is a gift I give myself each January.
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