Absolute can be defined as "expressing finality with no implication of possible change;" that which is "pure, perfect, or complete."
As I grow older, I realize that there are few absolutes in life - and this is a good thing. Without absolutes, there is always the possibility of new ideas, deeper understanding, and broader knowledge.
Mentors are simultaneously mentees; students and teachers can become co-learners; old dogs might acquire new tricks.
Everything becomes a work in progress. The journey is the destination.
Image from Absolut Bottle Generator
It's true the more you give the more your receive... Since I've started sharing more...i've gotten more back.
that's why this phrase hits me hard "'Mentors are simultaneously mentees; students and teachers can become co-learners" LOVE it..may also have to blog it for my holiday message of love and thanks! SEE? you inspire & fuel me so much dear Diane - you are a true leader, mentor, and the best Cheerleader for ALL of us! Thank you!
We are simultaneously leaders & followers, innovators & adapters; co-creators, complementary angles! Who knew I had a younger, hipper twin...with red hair!
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