The term "perfect storm" commonly refers to a worst-case scenario caused by the combination of significant phenomena.
In this case, the contributing elements are all good, and the perfect storm is a best-case scenario.
Emma Durflinger is a 12-year-old student at Van Meter School, in Van Meter, Iowa. We first met when I became co-advisor to Club Click, the school's photography club; now we're Twitter friends and Skype contacts.
Emma is comfortable with all those 21st century skills that the education community values: collaboration, communication, critical thinking, creation. She has participated in conference presentations, most recently the Iowa 1:1 Conference.
These accomplishments didn't just "happen." One component is, of course Emma herself, a bright and articulate young lady. But she might not have blossomed so early, if it hadn't been for a few key factors:
- Emma attends a school that values and promotes integrated technology
- her school librarian, Shannon Miller, offers students a number of interactive experiences with schools in other states, and serves as mentor and facilitator
- Emma's family (her father, Deron Durflinger is the secondary principal at Van Meter) encourages her online activities and offers guidance as well as support
Emma is learning to ride the winds of change.
"I'm not afraid of storms, for I'm learning to sail my ship." -Aeschylus
"Sailboat # 8444" by Nemo's great uncle
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