Our older students have finished classes and will only be back for exams. The seniors were very emotional on the last day, as the reality of leaving a familiar environment for the wide world finally hit home.
We will see some of them on their first college break next year; some will stop by to update staff members and favorite teachers on how their lives are progressing.
We’ve given them what we hope are the knowledge and skills necessary for a successful life. We wish them well. We’ll miss them all.
*This was posted on my old blog site, but it was so lovely that I'm moving it here!
thanx for ur comment, i like to think im full of energy! u should really try and come to australia its such a nice place…..beaches, laid back approach to everything! citys, country, suburbs its all great!
thats so good that u have been to all those places u must have seen so many great things! its good ur living ur life to the full. wat things do u like doin??
Aug 2, 7:13 PM
Another comment from an Australian student:
i’ll be so excited to leave and move into the wide world as you put it..sad yes, but more so excited.
thanks for the comment. It’s great that your husband and daughter are BOTH artists. I do draw/paint…photograph, i used to do art classes out of school, but now i just do studio art as a higher study which takes up most of my time. speaking of which I should be doing my folio right now! thanks again for the comment, i was surprised to find one either not from myself (amazing how i found out i could comment myself haha) , or my english teacher
i’ll be back to have a look at your photos :)
Copied from former blog site:
Author: kara06
URL: http://kara06.edublogs.org/
Hi there i'm sure ill get the hang of it in no time. Thats so cool that you are from america. I went there at the beginning of the year and loved it. It would be great to hear from your students. Are they in year 11 as well? Over here it is very cold and we all can't wait for summer. kara
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