“Green how I want you green. Green wind. Green branches.” -Federico Garcia Lorca
Our summer came late this year. By July, I hungered for sunshine, flowers, and outdoor living. And the color green: many of my photos for this month contain a sprig, a splash, a dollop of green.
The most viewed photo was Crandall Park Pond, which showed the progress of a painting as it was created by my husband.

Surprise hits were Raindrops, which was favorited by 3 people

and Before and After, announcing the completion of my kitchen renovation.

Since I love the odd angle and unexpected capture, one of my own favorites this month would probably have to be Twist.

“If I keep a green bough in my heart, the singing bird will come.” -Chinese Proverb
You can see a slideshow of the 31 July photos here or view all of my 2009 photos to date here.
The two groups to which I contribute are 365/2009 and 2009/365.
Your old kitchen looks a lot like mine. I like your new kitchen! My favorite photo here is the twist one. Great work!
"Twist" is my favorite.
And congrats on the new kitchen!
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