Friday, July 2, 2010

My Conference

I've just returned home from the ALA Annual Conference, in Washington, DC.

We all set off on our journeys with certain expectations, both positive and negative. These can, of course, turn into self-fulfilling prophecies, so some objectivity is a valuable travel accessory.

Large conventions tend to cause sensory overload for me - and I've learned how to tailor the experience to compensate for this personal response. I rarely attend more than a few sessions, avoid the vendor floor, and gravitate to more manageable spaces, like lounge or Uncommons areas.

I've read the critics, who warn of echo chambers and closed minds, but it honestly doesn't work that way for me: I connect with old friends, make new ones, and interact with small groups. The discussions in which I participated were rich with fresh perspectives; the people I met were of diverse backgrounds, united by their aspirations for our shared profession.

When I did venture into formal workshops, they tended to adhere to a traditional lecture format, with minimal interaction and no hands-on component. Much of the content is, or will be, available online.

Both the digital and paper conference guides were cumbersome and difficult to navigate. My preference would be for a searchable site, cross-referenced by date, time, area of interest, presenter, etc. I declined the print copy - maybe there could be a registration check-off box to indicate the participant wished to remain paperless?

Although many attendees mined the exhibition space for books and other freebies (and the Fed Ex satellite did a roaring business!), I'm no longer in a classroom and have no need for these types of goodies. I was content to roam the Washington Convention Center with my camera, hand out some Geek Tribe ribbons and membership cards, and strike up random conversations.

Why did I go? This type of event gathers some of my far-flung network in a single space at the same time. I get to interact face to face with people who matter to me - and we DO discuss relevant topics, like the future of libraries and librarianship, education, and technology.

I certainly don't believe that what I've described is the norm. But this is what works for me. I've returned home intellectually stimulated, my mind teeming with ideas.

MY conference was an incubator/think tank.

Hopefully, YOUR conference was just as successful.


Cathy Jo Nelson said...

Nice summary. I took a camera but did not take near as many photos as I wished. I went as well to connect with a side of my PLN that otherwise I would never have an opportunity to meet. I guess its time for me to attempt a post of my thoughts as well. Thanks for the inspiration and the couple of meals we were able to share together in DC, 4 if memory serves!!

jennylu said...

I'm glad you're doing it your way Diane. We need to not feel so pressured to do everything and do what works best for ourselves. I need to take a look at the conference site and see what I can learn from it too. Maybe we'll see each other face to face again one day, or maybe we'll just touch base online. Probably the latter, given that I can't see myself getting back to the States anytime soon!

diane said...

Thanks, Cathy. The camera is a tool and a diversion for me - helps to make the enormity of a conference more manageable. Our time together was fun! Hope we don't have to wait so long to meet again.

Thanks for the affirmation. Your blog is great, but no substitute for f2f interaction. Maybe EduCon will sponsor a road trip to Australia some day :-)