According to the Greeting Card Association, an estimated one billion valentine cards are sent each year, making Valentine's Day the second largest card-sending holiday of the year. Here, in words and images, is my Valentine...
to all my real life and online friends...
to my children...
and, of course, to my husband...

"The most beautiful view is the one I share with you." -Author Unknown
"Many are the starrs I see, but in my eye no starr like thee." -English saying used on poesy rings
This post brought tears to my eyes.What more can I say but thank you. This is special. Valentines Day is actually my wedding anniversary but when we were married, the day was not really aknowledged but now everyone thinks we were so romantic!!! Anyway, it is a special day and thanks for the post and those virtual flowers and choccies
Thank you for the comment, and thank you for the gorgeous bouquet you shared with us on Twitter today.
I'm glad this posting spoke to you. Family is my center, friends are special bonuses.
To think that even a year ago I had no idea that many of the people I now communicate with daily even existed. What a strange and marvelous time we live in!
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