Twitter has been a joy and a revelation for me. After initial resistance to what I felt might be yet another trendy online distraction, I cautiously ventured into the Twitterverse, and "stepped into the light."
I've found a supportive network of teachers, techies, and just plain interesting people from around the world. One of my new friends is Anne Mirtschin, a teacher at Hawkesdale P12 College, in Victoria, Australia.
"@murcha" uses the power of social networking to enhance and extend her students' learning. Her blog, On an e-journey with generation Y, was created as a journal to document this journey.

About the award.
The participation rules:
1. If, and only if, you get tagged, write a post with links to 5 blogs that make you think,
2. Link to this post so that people can easily find the exact origin of the meme,
3. Optional: Proudly display the ‘Thinking Blogger Award’ with a link to the post that you wrote (here is an alternative silver version if gold doesn’t fit your blog).
In addition there is a note: “Please, remember to tag blogs with real merits, i.e. relative content, and above all - blogs that really get you thinking! ”
So, for 5 blogs that make me think:
- Students 2.0 Who is more important in the realm of education than the stakeholders, the students? This innovative cooperative blog lets us hear their voices and engage in a dialog about their concerns.
- Beyond School Clay Burell leads the fight against "schooliness" by constantly challenging his students - and his readers - to seek creative ways to move education into the 21st century. He is currently based in Korea, but his beat is the world.
- Not So Distant Future Carolyn Foote was one of my earliest online mentors. She exemplifies all the best qualities of a modern teacher/librarian.
- Assorted Stuff Tim Stahmer, an Instructional Technology Specialist in Virginia, combines observations about the state of public education with "comments on instructional technology, blogging and the read-write web (aka Web 2.0), various forms of media, digital rights and fair use, a very small dab of politics, and the everyday oddities of life that pop up." He is always interesting, entertaining, and informative.
- Tech Thoughts by Jen Jen Wagner offers practical advice on educational technology and invites teachers to participate in a variety of well-constructed, fun-to-do internet-based classroom projects. And her warm and friendly personality makes the digital world a much nicer place to visit!
Thank you, Anne, for sharing the award with me. It made a gloomy winter day a lot brighter!
"The world is round so that friendship may encircle it." -Pierre Teilhard De Chardin
Congratulations Tutu! You deserve it.
And so do you! The only reason I didn't include your wonderfully creative Love & Logic
is because I consider you a vital member of Students 2.0.
Congratulations, 'puna!
How did you like those 60s photos?
Haha, Love and Logic is very much like my mind--creatively cluttered.
I loved the pictures, especially your wall art. The phrase, "Plant a flower child" is my new motto ;)
I'm thinking for Junior Prom, I might go as a slightly polished flower child. (i.e. brush my hair, maybe put flowers in it, get manicure/pedicure, etc). Any old pictures of dresses you want to show me for ideas?
Don't think I have any photos but will see what I can find.
Actually, my wedding gown was a Juliet style, empire waist, A-line skirt.
Will browse some old albums.
Congrats Diane! :) That's fantastic and you definitely deserve the award!
Congratulations Diane! Your eloquent posts always make me think :)
And thanks for the nod :) I really appreciate it, particularly coming from you :)
And by the way, remember the GunnySax designs...that's what I wore (course that was 70's, but same general idea!)
Hey...Chardin! He coined/conceptualized "noosphere".
Congrats on the award. :)
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